Break free from ad platform silos!
Try Unyte.AI free for 30 days.
Plans that scale with your needs
£150 / month
1 user
1 account per ad network
Google Ads & Meta
£5k ad spend / month
Automatic budget reallocation
£450 / month
Unlimited users
5 accounts per ad network
Google Ads, Meta, LinkedIn & TikTok
£50k ad spend / month
Automatic budget reallocation
£1,500 / month
+ 0.8% of ad spend
Unlimited users
Unlimited accounts
Google Ads, SA360, Meta, LinkedIn, TikTok, (Twitter) X & DV360
Customisable plans
Automatic budget reallocation
Note: Pricing plans shown here are only applicable to the limited pool of businesses selected for our product beta. Pricing is subject to change once Unyte.AI exits private beta.